Istituti, Scuole, Associazioni

che applicano i principi della ARCHITETTURA ORGANICA
Institutes, schools, associations, groups 
which apply the principles of Organic Architecture

School and Center of Organic Architecture

  • THE FRANK LLOYD WRIGHT SCHOOL OF ARCHITECTURE - TALIESIN 1932/2019 Frank Lloyd Wright School of Architecture has pioneered experiential learning in architecture since 1932 with Frank Lloyd Wright and the Organic Architecture, dedicated to the principle of "Learning by Doing" in armony with the nature.
  • SCUOLA DI ARCHITETTURA ORGANICA - Roma 1945/47  La Scuola di Architettura Organica in Italia fu fondata il 15 luglio 1945 dall'APAO - Associazione Per l'Architettura Organica - da Bruno Zevi, Luigi Piccinato, Pier Luigi Nervi e Aldo Della Rocca , svolse la sua attività didattica per un biennio ed ebbe sede in Roma a Palazzo del Drago, in via Quattro Fontane, 20.
  • THE BRUCE GOFF CHAIR OF CREATIVE ARCHITECTURE - University of Oklahoma  The Bruce Goff Chair of Creative Architecture was established in the early 1980s, shortly after Goff's death, and elevated to an endowed chair in 1998. Each year outstanding architects with unusual design talent are brought to the university to teach and work with architecture students. Thus, architects are provided an opportunity to further their design philosophy through creative experimentation in an academic setting and, at the same time, share fresh ideas with others through teaching.
  • SFIA - San Francisco Institute of Architecture  One of the few schools dedicated to organic, nature-based, visionary, and ecological architecture. Our inspirations are Louis Sullivan, Frank Lloyd Wright, Bruce Goff and their proteges.  Fred Stitt Architect, Director.
  • EDRA - Environmental Design Research Association   An international, interdisciplinary organization founded in 1968 by design professionals, social scientists, students, educators, and facility managers. The purpose of EDRA is the advancement and dissemination of environmental design research, thereby improving understanding of the interrelationships between people, their built and natural surroundings, and helping to create environments responsive to human needs.
  • FRIENDS OF KEBYAR  International Association of Creative Organic Architecture - An international network, founded in 1983 by Jack Golden, of architects, artists and others willing to explore creative and adventurous horizons, keepers of the faith and the cause of Organic Architecture .
  • FRIENDS OF THE " TALIESIN FELLOWS "  International Organization founded in 1987, the Mission of the Taliesin Fellows is to preserve the principles of Organic Architecture as conceived by Frank Lloyd Wright and to further the practice and understanding of the fundamental and unique approach to architecture and design.
  • IFMA -  Forum Internazionale Uomo e Architettura  Organizzazione fondata nel 1991 ad Amsterdam, rappresenta un gruppo internazionale di persone interessate alla progettazione olistica dell'ambiente umano che, ispirandosi all'antroposofia di Rudolf Steiner, ricerca l'armonia organica con la natura rispettando le funzioni vitali, mentali e spirituali dell'uomo.
  • ECOSA Institute  The mission of the Ecosa Institute is to restore health to the natural environment, and thus the human environment, through education in design. Our vision is based on synthesizing the ethical and ecological values critical to the health of the environment, with the vitality and dynamism of the design arts. Founded in 1996 by Antony Brown in harmony with Arcosanti and arcology of Paolo Soleri.
  • WRIGHT ORGANIC RESOURCE CENTER   The Wright Organic Resource Center educates and activates people to be creative, aware, and environmentally responsible in all aspects of life. We provide opportunities for people, especially youth, to experience the legacy of Frank Lloyd Wright and Organic Architecture, encouraging the creative integration of Nature, Art and Community.  Eric Lloyd Wright, Director.
  • OACF - ORGANIC ARCHITECTURE CHARITABLE FOUNDATION Academy is an institute for higher 'learning by doing'. Founder Kendrick Bangs Kellogg.
    If it is not a love affair with Mother Earth, it is not   Architecture.
    There should be as many original  styles of Architecture as there are individuals.
    Since it is paramount that form and function are one, where license will not save us, OACF focuses on engineering and learning 'in the field' by doing, better than Frank Lloyd Wright's preliminary experience, but not his talent that comes from within.
    Whenever health, safety, environment, diversity and the rights of the individual is inconsistent with other interests sought or promoted by others, it is paramount that structural engineering and in-field construction by the Participant be encouraged.
    OACF is for Participants that are individuals with rights that exist 'by the law of the land long antecedent to the organization of the State. Hale vs. Henkel 201 U.S. 43 at 47 (1905).  Website: 
    Plagarizing is not going to do it....Earth is one of a kind...Please don't destroy it. Kendrick Bangs Kellogg - OACF.
  • ADAO - AMICI DELLA ARCHITETTURA ORGANICA , Gruppo internazionale di persone, fondato in Italia nel 2005 da Carmine e Carlo Sarno, che crede che l'Architettura Organica è la vera Architettura, che non è uno stile ma è legata all'uomo al luogo e al tempo e quindi alla vera Tradizione dell'abitare, che è esistita da sempre e sempre esisterà fin quando l'uomo vorrà con amore, verità ed integrità costruire il suo spazio-tempo esistenziale in armonia con la natura e con Dio.

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